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In questa sezione: Absolutely random, Billy (and) the Kid, Classifiche, Demo, rarities & compilations, Frequenza Nucleare, I concerti segnalati da Gigs Maniac, Incontri con la classica, La clinica degli emergenti, Leggende dell'underground genovese, Live from the past, masterpieces from all times, Pearls of italian prog, Pearls of italian psych beat, Pearls of Kraut Rock, Pearls of post punk, soundtracks, Woodstock e dintorni

Pearls of italian prog vol.13: Osage Tribe – Arrow head – 1972
Song: Arrow head Band: Osage Tribe Year: 1972 Album:Arrow head Label: Bla Bla City: Genoa Members: Marco Zoccheddu (vocals, guitar, keyboards, harmonica), “Cucciolo” Nunzio Favia (drums), Bob Callero (bass),

Pearls of kraut rock vol.29: Parzival – Resignation – 1971
Song: Resignation Band: Parzival Year: 1971 Album: Legend Label: Telefunken City: Bremen Members: Thomas Olivier (drums), Lothar Siems (guitar, vocals), Walter Quintus (bass, guitar, keyboards)

Pearls of italian prog vol.12: Locanda delle Fate – New York – 1977
Song: New York Band: Locanda delle Fate Year: 1977 Album: Forse le lucciole non si amano più Label: Polydor City: Asti Members: Leonardo Sasso (vocals), Massimo Brignolo (guitars), Oscar Mazzoglio (keyboards,), Giorgio Gardino (drums), Luciano Boero (bass), Maurizio Muha (piano, keyboards)

Woodstock e dintorni – puntata 23: USA 1970 pt.2
Il 1970 negli Stati Uniti d’America in podcast. Photo: Tim Buckley

Pearls of kraut rock vol.28: Gila – Aggression – 1971
Song: Aggression Band: Gila Year: 1971 Album: Gila (Free electric sound) Label: BASF City: Stuttgart Members: Daniel Alluno (drums), Fritz Scheyhing (guitar, keyboards), Conny Veit (guitar, synthesizer, vocals), Walter Wiederkehr (bass)

Pearls of italian prog vol.11: Museo Rosenbach – Il tempio delle clessidre – 1973
Song: Il tempio delle clessidre Band: Museo Rosenbach Year: 1973 Album: Zarathustra Label: Ricordi City: Bordighera Members: Stefano “Lupo” Galifi (vocals), Enzo Merogno (guitars), Pit Corradi (hammond, keyboards, piano), Giancarlo Golzi (drums), Alberto Moreno (bass), Mauro La Luce (lyrics)

Pearls of kraut rock vol.27: Limbus 3 – Valiha – 1969
Song: Valiha Band: Limbus 3 Year: 1969 Album: New Atlantis – Cosmic Music Experience Label: CPM City: Heidelberg Members: Odysseus Artnern, Bernd Henninger, Matthias Knieper , Gerd Kraus (piano, bass, cello, viola, violin, flutes, percussion, tablas)

Pearls of italian psych beat vol.3: I Santoni – Quelli come noi – 1972
Song: Quelli come noi Band: I Santoni Year: 1972 Album: Noi: I Santoni Label: Car Juke Box City: Prato Members: Bruno Mosti (organ, keyboards, vocals), Franco Bettazzi (flutes, saxes), Giorgio Gorini (saxes, flutes), Giovanni Rondelli (bass), Fabrizio Prussi (drums)

Pearls of italian prog vol.10: Analogy – Dark reflections – 1972
Song: Dark reflection Band: Analogy Year: 1972 Album: Analogy Label: Produzioni Ventotto City: Varese Members: Jutta Taylor-Nienhaus (vocals), Martin Thurn-Mithoff (guitars), Wolfgang Schoene (bass, guitars), Hans Jurgen Nienhaus (drums), Nicola Pankoff (organ)

Pearls of kraut rock vol.26: Xhol Caravan – Electric fun fair – 1969
Song: Electric fun fair Band: Xhol Caravan Year: 1969 Album: Electrip Label: Hansa City: Wiesbaden Members: Skip (drums), Klaus Briest (bass), Hansi Fisher (flutes, saxophones), Peter Meisel (noise), Ocki (keyboards, piano), Tim Belbe (tenor saxophone)